D&AD Young Blood Desperados
Inner Tequila Studios


Today more than ever, we focus on what makes us different rather than what makes us similar. 
This means that our society is now more divided than ever.
No matter how different two people might be, there is always something that can bring them together.
Can we use music to find a common ground between two people?

We conducted an activation in which we invite two different people
from two different backgrounds to experiment with music within the Inner Tequila Studios. 
Separated by a barrier, they will be unaware of each other’s presence.

Both participants will be fitted with the Inner Tequila Bracelet, which translates sound
into vibration form the opposite participant’s music. Once the experiment begins, participants
feel each other’s rhythm from the vibrations of the bracelet.

If their music syncs in rhythm to the point where they find a common frequency,
we break down the physical and metaphorical barrier between them.


PERSONAL PROJECT | illuminati activist campaign